Sweet Beginnings has been in Downingtown since September, 1982. Mrs. Morgan, who was a school teacher, and her mother started Sweet Beginnings. They opened the store in the Borough of Downingtown right next door to the old post office. I would buy all of my candy and cake supplies from there during my lunch hour at the post office. Mrs. Morgan's mother wasn't well so then she sold the business to Phyllis Stewart and her daughter-in-law. Shortly after their purchase of Sweet Beginnings, they had moved into Wedgewood Shopping Center where "That Cake And Candy Place" was. (That was another great store to buy supplies at!)
As I had said above, this was my favorite store to shop in. Where most people collect items, I collect candy molds and cake pans. Besides, this was the only store that would help me out if I needed to know how to create a project. They were always very helpful.
I really didn't go into Sweet Beginnings to buy the business. I was going into the store to tell Phyllis that I was starting a website to make homemade chocolates and ship! I already worked for the post office for 17 years, so I knew shipping! Phyllis had asked me, "How would you like to buy a business?" I said, "Excuse me? This one?" She said, "Yes." I asked her what was included and she told me, "Everything you see right down to all the cake pans!" Her and her daughter-in-law had just decided they were tired of it and wanted to retire. I gave her 24 hours to give me a good price so I could go to the bank, give my notice at the Post Office and re-create Sweet Beginnings!!!
I changed Sweet Beginnings from a place to buy Cake and Candy Supplies, to a place you could still buy your cake and candy supplies, plus a whole lot more! Cake pan rentals, Candy Making Supplies, Recipes for Candy, Cake Making Supplies, Cake and Candy boxes and boards and doilies, Fresh baked Cakes/Pastries, Homemade Candy, Special order 3D cakes, Wedding Cakes, Birthday Cakes, Anniversary Cakes, Bar/Batmitzvah Cakes, Baby Shower Cakes, Bridal Shower Cakes, Groom's Cakes and anything else you can think or dream of! I rarely say "NO" to anyone when I am given enough time to put my creativity to work. My motto is, "The impossible just takes longer!" also, I do not believe that you shouldn't be able to eat everything that is created for the cake.